thanksgiving eating tips

6 Best Practices for Enjoying the Holiday Feast

‘Tis the season for friends, family, festivity, and food. Lots of mouth-watering can’t stop eating, just one more bite, comfort food. If you’re like us, you’re getting hungry just thinking about the delicious desserts and savory sides that accompany the holiday season. But we aren’t rookies. While buttery mashed potatoes, juicy turkey smothered in gravy and pumpkin pie with a side of eggnog might make us feel warm and fuzzy inside, the holiday menu can also bring with it other less desirable gifts we’d prefer to avoid during the “happiest time of the year”.

Thankfully, Americans on average only gain about one to two pounds during the holidays. While this doesn’t sound dramatic, research shows it adds up over the years. Therefore, mindful eating habits are key before we move into the holidays to ensure a joyous season leading us guilt-free into the New Year. Whether your more likely to eat out with friends and family or enjoy one too many five course meals at home, we’ve got six quick tips to help decrease guilt and increase your energy through this holiday season.